What are exit codes in Linux?
An exit code in Linux represents the result of the execution of a command or script.

It has a scale ranging from 0 to 255. The exit codes help us determine whether a process ran:
- Successfully.
- Failed due to an error.
- Or another state that implies an unexpected outcome.
As soon as the command or script has done executing, we can use $? to get the exit code of the process.
The Exit codes of any command are stored in a special built-in variable called $?. When a command is successful, a zero is returned. when a command fails it returns a value greater than zero.
The $? variable is updated immediately after a command is executed. so the value of this variable is only reliable right after running a command
Note: Exit codes are also known as return codes.
For successful commands, it returns a 0
It will return a non-zero value when a command is not valid
Here’s an example:
In the above example:
- The command echo “Hello There!” was executed, and the result was printed on the line after. The command echo $? was then executed, and when it returned 0 as output, it was successful.
- When we used the command cat demofile.txt, it failed with the following error: There is no such file or directory, and a failure is indicated by the return code of 1.
Reserved exit codes
There are several reserved exit codes in Linux that have unique meanings. Here’s the list of exit codes:
1: Catchall for general errors
2: Misuse of shell built-ins (according to Bash documentation)
126: Command invoked cannot execute
127: “Command not found.”
128: Invalid argument to exit
128+n: Fatal error signal “n”
130: Script terminated by Control-C
255\*: Exit status out of range
In a shell script, exit codes are typically used to check the status and take appropriate action.
To test for a common use case and determine whether the command executes successfully, we run several commands in a shell script.
Let’s create a shell script file call check.sh
# run_some_command
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo OK
echo FAIL
The above code determines whether the return code is equal to 0. If so, we can echo “OK.” If not, we iterate FAIL.
Best Practice: Always return appropriate exit codes in your script because It will help to integrate with other scripts